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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:02 AM   #1
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...
predefinito [MOTO] Ducati 999 "Imola"

Ciao, io no parlo italiano, parlo espagnol e ingles:

a ducati 999, based in the imola gp bike.
In one of my last proyects, I made a sketch of this bike, but I decided to paint the bike yellow, but I wanted to build this bike from the sketch too, my sketch is inspired by other sketck from a ducati website:

Im going to use a NEW-RAY DUCATI 999 F05, because it os more agressive than the stock 999, there are really a lot of diferences between them, so this is the bike:

Of course Im going to make it single side swingarm.
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:04 AM   #2
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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can see here the main diferences, the frame, the wider fairing, the suspension, well, almost everythig:

Tail section, tank cover and winshield are wider too:

So first thing to do is nake the bike, and primer the pieces:

Im going to take some elements from sketches from Pierre Terblanche, due Im trying to make a concept bike, no a race or street bike, it is a show bike, Ill make the tail like the second option:

And the front like the next sketch:

Tank cover is going to be like this:

So here are the preliminar marks to begin cutting:

And the right tools for the job:

Here is a pre-assembly to check the resul:

Im going to add a mesh grille in the front fender:

Now I have to add a little piece of 3mm styren to make the tail longer foward and sand:

Im thinking I can open the ehaust exit and add a mesh grille to make a big single exit, or to divide ot in two section like in one of the Terblanche sketches:

Now its time to cut off the rear suspension, I want to save it complete to use it in a tamiya yamaha ow01.

I have to detail the tank housing for the cushioned inserts, a lot of sanding in all parts:

And now the most difficult part, to scratch build the rear swing arm, reference photo:

Need to find styrene tubing to build the swing arm.
Im trying to decide how to make the exhaust exits, here are some ideas:
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:09 AM   #3
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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This is my progress so far, I got styrene tubing in diferent diameters,made the marks and began bending, ist hard because I have to be trying and tryng the piece whit the chain, complete tire and brake disk Tto make sure the chain doesnt touch anything, Ialready bent the rim:

Its ready, now I have a lot to sand and detail to mahe it look welded, and to make the shock atachments, and the ones to the frame.

And here is the fairings, already painted, now I have to add some red and black, details, and letters, but a lot to do in engine, frame, exhaust, etc.

I almost finish the swingarm, still needs more sanding, and details:

I painted some details in flat black, all paints are from a can, and I began shaping the tree piece foamed seat parts, they are going to be like retro seat color:

At this point the bike has nothing to do with the original or my last ducati build:

Good bye to red frame, its ready to become holand blue:

Here is a preview, I guess when I add the red is going to look terrific!
Im going to aply a little, lttle, little layer of silver, I want the bike to look more white than silver.

Little update, Already put in place the swing arm, it was difficult to aligne, I just glued one side, I cant glue de rigth side because I need to put the engine in, I was checking chain clearance, and everything is OK. Needs more sanding and smoothing, and to paint blue:

Now its time to make the shock holders, one to the frame and one to the swing arm, the Ducati monster SR4 has the same swingarm but it has the shock mounted in the center, I want it like the MH900e, in one side, more retro look, combined with ultra modern body

Reference photo:
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:11 AM   #4
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

More updates.
Testing the exhaust, that it doesnt touch the swingarm:

I mounted the shock holders, it was hard to aligne too, It is necesary to avoid the tire touches it, and I had to cut a little the shock to make it fit, need to sand and primer again:

I began the paint scheme, it still needs a lot of detailing:

Ducati red and antique gold applied:

A preview of the fairing, Im working in the winshield, maybe Ill smoke it a little:

Still working on the frame:

The frame still needs details, paint the center bridge, screws, etc.
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:17 AM   #5
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

I had an idea for the exhaust, I found this piece in a paper store, its perfect for what Im looking for:

I made the cutting and shaping:

I took the suppurt from the original exhaust exit:

It fits like the oriinal, I didnt want to modify very much yhe tail frame, in order to make everything fit better, any way those parts are hidden when the taik cowl is on:

I added a grille in each exhaust exit, and I made a heat proterctor with a aluminum sheet:

I re-shaped the windshield like the one in the ducati sketches:

I made a peg protectors and exhaust tube cover with aluminum:

All mechanical parts are ready:
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:20 AM   #6
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Im still working in stetics, I made the letters with adhesive vinyl in metallic grey:

Weather here is very cold so I had to use a lamp to help the clear coat dry:

When I got the out the oven they look really shiny!

And now begains the most fum part, the assembly back, of course there is still detail work to do, like cables, hoses, grilles, etc.
Engine ready:

Engine, pegs and shock asorber in place:

Fork in place:

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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:21 AM   #7
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Now tank cover and tail cowl:

The swing arm and bike tail looks amazing!

Exhaust tubes detail:

Peg heat protector deail:

The Imola with its sister:

I got the materials for details, aluminum grilles, mesh, hoses, Im going to use red cables for clutch, brakes and acelerator:

Fairings: I have to paint black the interior an add grilles, and I still dont know if use a headlight or just add a grille like air intake, this is supose to be a show bike or a open track day bike, like the NCR NEW BLUE.

I have to work on the seat, fuel tank cushioned parts, grilles and all cables.
Here is the NCR NEW BLUE, oooooh I love this bike, Is based too in the Paul Smart Imola bike, I hope Tamiya or New-ray some day releases the Sport Classic Ducati bikes to make a replica of this bike, if not Im surely will scartch build it.
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:29 AM   #8
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Painted interior flat black:

I added grilles in the front fender an fairing, aluminum grille was very haerd to cut, so I had to cut a little big pieces:

I scratchbuilt the seat, I tried to copy one of the sketches at the beginig of this thread, here are the molds:

And here is the building:

I had to re-build the stand, because of the single swingarm:

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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:31 AM   #9
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

More detailing, I added cables:

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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:32 AM   #10
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

This is suposed to be a show bike, so it needs a shw stand, and a barrier so th people cant touch it (sorry about the pictures, I took them whit a celphone camera:

I finished, so next post will be in Complete Proyect:

Here is the complete model pictures:
Thannks for watching.
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:35 AM   #11
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

The bike features:
-scratchbuilt single swing arm (DUCATI MH900e type)
-scratchbuilt exhaust pipes
-scratchbuilt exhaust heat protector
-scratchbuilt seat
-modified shock absorber (and moved left side of the bike)
-modified rear rim
-modified tail section
-modified fuel tank
-modified front fairing
-modified winshield
-modified, lateral fairings
-modified front fender
-modified bike stand
-added red cables
-added mesh grilles
-custom painting
-scratchbuilt show stand
-scratchbuilt show barrier

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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:37 AM   #12
Utente Junior
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Here is the comparation with the original model:

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Vecchio 10-12-09, 07:38 AM   #13
Utente Junior
Registrato dal: Dec 2009
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Here is the comparative with my other Ducati 999, I tought it was an agressive looking bike, but the Imola is much more agressive and aerodinamic looking:

Here it is with its street sisters:

And here it is with its Superbike Racing sisters:

Im planning buildind diorama, of a Ducati booth, to put there my modified Ducatis, like a aftermarket Ducati kit show booth, and build some modified fairings, single side swing arms and bike stands to put there too.

Here is the bike stand, it is 3mm glass and 3mm styren:

Anf finnaly it goes to the shelf.
Im planning to modify the Vespa scooter and the Suzuki ATV Camo you see left on top of the shelf:
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 09:23 AM   #14
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welcome in this forum . Don't worry for the language you can write in english . if you need some explanation of what is written in the several threads just ask us and you will see that somebody will traslate it in english or I think somebody can traslate also in spanish .

Io sono "MODELFRIENDS" anche se compare "decals"

Mai discutere con uno stupido perchè ti porta al suo livello e ti batte d'esperienza
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Vecchio 10-12-09, 04:48 PM   #15
Utente Junior
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ALEX GAROLI è un newbie...

Thanks for the welcom, see you around here!
Great work you have in this forum, you italians are the gurus of design, so I like to be here.
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